Our first Feature in a local Magazine! Neighbours of Dundarave

Nicholas Fadden

Have a read of the featured article from Neighbours of Dundarave.

As the co-founder of The Cove Sports Recovery, I draw inspiration from witnessing those around me succeeding in their goals and passions. - Nick Fadden
The Cove Sports Recovery: Nurturing an Inclusive Community for Every Body

Welcome to The Cove Sports Recovery, the premier destination in West Vancouver for sports recovery and RMT massage services. Since opening its doors in December 2022, the team has been dedicated to providing a personally guided setting where individuals from all walks of life can access top-notch recovery services. 

What sets The Cove apart is the team's dedication to inclusivity. While their name may suggest a focus on sports recovery, their services are applicable to everyone, regardless of their athletic ambitions. The Cove strives to improve the lives of individuals who seek to enhance their overall well-being, manage conditions like arthritis, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, destress, and achieve their personal best in every aspect of life.

“Our mission is simple yet powerful: to empower our community to consistently recover and achieve peak performance, regardless of their athletic abilities or financial resources,” says Nicholas Fadden, who founded The Cove with his wife, Olivia.

“At The Cove, we firmly believe in the philosophy that prevention is better than a cure and that doing something is always better than doing nothing. Just like a car that requires regular maintenance to avoid breakdowns, our bodies also need care and attention to function optimally. Our comprehensive services aim to address various aspects of our client's lives, including swelling, inflammation, muscle and joint aches, fatigue, poor sleep, travel stresses, and more.”

Nicholas went on to say, “As the co-founder of The Cove Sports Recovery, I draw inspiration from witnessing those around me succeeding in their goals and passions. Interacting with our clients allows me to stay connected to their experiences and help them tackle their challenges while feeling their best. It brings me immense joy to contribute to their journeys.”

“One of the highlights of my workday is observing our clients' diverse reactions when using our hot and cold tubs. To add an element of comfort or distraction, we even have rubber duckies available for those who wish to take them into the tubs. These small moments remind us of the importance of creating a welcoming and enjoyable environment for everyone.”

You never know who you might meet at The Cove. The team is proud to share that the West Vancouver Police Department officers and staff are regular visitors, using The Cove’s services for their WVPD recovery needs. Additionally, members of various Canadian National teams from different sports are among The Cove’s clientele. 

However, what truly sets The Cove apart is the equal playing field they provide for everyone who walks through our doors, regardless of their background or profession.

On a personal note, Nicholas tells me, “Outside of The Cove, I have a wonderful family, including my wife Olivia, our 2-year-old identical twin daughters, Amelia and Chelsea, and our 2-month-old son, Oakley. We also have two adorable dogs named Duke and Duchess.”

“Despite our busy lives, we are committed to actively participating in the West Vancouver community. In addition to my background in Track and Field at a high level in Australia, I have certifications in Registered Massage Therapy and a Musculoskeletal Therapy Degree. I regularly participate in Train West Vancouver CrossFit and F45 Ambleside, and I recently initiated a free community running group every Thursday morning, starting at 7 am, right here at The Cove.”

“Furthermore, I had the privilege of serving on a committee responsible for gathering community input during the updating of the West Vancouver secondary athletic field. I look forward to engaging in more sporting events and bringing new opportunities to the West Vancouver community.”

“At The Cove, we are determined to educate our community about the immense benefits of incorporating recovery into their daily lives. Whether you are an athlete aiming for peak performance, a dedicated weekend warrior, an office worker dealing with travel-related muscle tension, an elderly individual seeking relief, or someone striving for an active and healthy lifestyle, The Cove is the place for you to recover and rejuvenate.”

“Join us at The Cove Sports Recovery and embark on a transformative journey of healing, revitalization, and peak performance. Together, let's make recovery an integral part of our lives and empower ourselves to achieve greatness.”

ByPatricia Barnes

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1 comment

Was at School with your father in law in Scotland. My fathers favourite medical common sense expression was, “Prevention is Better than Cure.” Sadly the UK’s train crash NHS still takes the view cure is what medicine is about, with awful results. Keep up the good work.

Did my hip flexor playing Tennis before Christmas, still troubling me any physio likely to help? At 62 have had a good run, largely because have kept my weight down & exercised seriously though out the years. Prevention is indeed better than Cure.

Very best regards,


Logan Sime

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